Wolfpyre's Fanfiction Site

Elves Come to Rohan

Warning: Contains spanking as a form of discipline. If this is not your thing. please do not read this.
The day dawned bright with a beautiful cloudless blue sky above. Eomer smiled as he quickly dressed and hurried to the table to break his fast. Today was going to be a wonderful day. His tutor was away, so he did not have any lessons and he could spend the day out in the fields, riding his horse Eavan.  He sat down and filled his plate with as much food as it would hold.

“If you eat all of that you will surely burst.” Theodred teased.

“I am a growing boy!” Eomer replied as he stuffed bacon in his mouth.

King Théoden smiled as he watched his boys. Eomer was in good spirits and appeared ready for a full day. Sadly, the news he had just received was going to ruin any plans he may have had. “I have received word that several bands of Orcs have been seen on our lands. I have sent patrols out to kill those they could find.” He looked in turn at Theodred, Eomer and Eowyn to be sure he had their attention. “Until I have word that all is clear, you are to remain within the city walls.”

Eomer’s fork clattered noisily against his plate as he shot a pleading look at his Uncle. “But Uncle I…”

“I am sorry Eomer. I know you planned to spend your day out riding, but it is not safe. I will be closing the gates after the last patrol returns to ensure the residents of Edoras are protected.”

Theodred could tell that Eomer was going to continue to argue and spoke up before he could. “We understand Father.” He glared at Eomer before turned back to his father. “We will all stay within the city walls.”

“Good.” Théoden replied and placed his hand on Eomer’s arm. “The Orcs will move on and all will be safe within a few days. I will clear my schedule so that we may ride together.”

Eomer gave a small smile. “I would like that Uncle.”

“Good. Now, finish that pile of food on your plate. You are, after all, a growing boy.”


Eomer skulked along the city walls, angry that he was not allowed to ride out. “Free day my arse.” He muttered. His Uncle was just being over protective. Surely the Orcs were far from Edoras. He stood by the gates and looked out to the fields below, not seeing anything amiss. Without thought, he slipped out of the gates.


Eomer wandered aimlessly around the fields, simply soaking up the comfort of being outside. He hated to be confined, even if it were within a large city like Edoras. He also knew he was going to be in a lot of trouble if his Uncle realized he was out here. With a sigh, he started picking his way back to the palace.

He was about half way home when he saw the Orcs. As there was no cover where he was standing, he knew the Orcs saw him too. He knew if he were caught he would die so he ran, frantically looking ahead for cover as he did so. He could hear them gaining on him and pushed his body on, every muscle in his young body burning. In his heart, he knew it was a wasted effort, but he ran none the less.

Suddenly, there was  the sound of galloping hooves. He was swooped up, unceremoniously draped across a saddled horse, and carried towards the trees.  Dazed, he dropped to the ground and watched as the band of Orcs were slain by arrows and blade. He did not know who his saviors were, but obviously they could fight.

In short order, all of the Orcs were destroyed. Eomer sat in stunned silence, grateful he was still alive. That was until he saw just who rescued him. He jumped to his feet when he saw the expression on Gamlings face. “Now Gamling, there is no need to be so angry.” He pleaded as he carefully back away. He’d rather face the Orcs than his Uncle’s long time friend and captain of the Rohirrim.

“Angry? You have not yet seen angry!”

Eomer winced and continued to step back. Obviously that was not the correct thing to say.  His path to safety was suddenly blocked.

“Did you not find enough excitement today?”

Eomer spun around and looked up in awe at the person in front of him. “You are an Elf.”

“Aye, I am.” The elf in question dropped down to one knee to be level with the boy. “My name is Glorfindel, Captain of the Guard in my Lord Elrond’s haven of Rivendell.” He stood and spoke, seemingly to the air behind him. “You will come out now.”

Two identical faces popped out from behind a tree and slunk quietly to him as commanded, one on each side.  “These are Lord Elrond’s sons, Elladan and Elrohir.”

Gamling stepped up behind Eomer. He knew of Elrond and Rivendell.  “I am Gamling, and this is King Théoden’s nephew Eomer.  Thank you for your help. I do not think I could have saved him in time.”

“You are most welcome, though from your countenance it appears young Eomer should not have been here in the first place.”

Eomer swallowed hard and looked up at Gamling.  “I am sorry!”

Gamlings reply was to pull Eomer under his arm and land several hard swats to his backside. “Not yet you are not. What would your Uncle have done if you were killed? Has he not lost enough?”

Eomer was mortified to have been chastised in front of the Elves and did his best to not let the tears that filled his eyes to fall.  “Gamling I…”

“Save your words for your Uncle.” Gamling growled as he mounted his horse and pulled Eomer behind him.  He turned to the Elves. “You are welcome to return to Edoras with us. King Théoden will wish to speak to those that saved his Nephew and I am sure you could use some rest and food.”

“Thank you. That would be most appreciated. We have been traveling for the last several days and would welcome comforts of a bed.”


The parties arrival in Edoras garnered much attention as the Elves rode gracefully into the city. King Théoden met them as they entered the Hall. 

Gamling made introductions and encouraged Théoden to move the discussion into his study. Eomer made to sit in one of the chairs at the far end of the study, intending to remain far away from his Uncles hand. Gamling obviously had other ideas as he grabbed the lads ear and pulled him to stand in front of the Kings desk. With a sigh, Eomer stood straight and placed his hand behind his back, surreptitiously giving his burning backside a quick rub.

Gamling released his grip on Eomer’s ear and looked at Théoden. “One of my men saw Eomer outside the gates. I quickly tacked my horse and rode out to find him. I spotted him near the trees, being chased by a band of Orcs. He is lucky Glorfindel, Elladan and Elrohir arrived when they did for I fear I would not have reached him in time.”

Théoden listened to Gamlings tale, anger building with every word. “Come here Eomer.” He said quietly.

Eomer felt a tremor of fear race through his body as he did as he was bid, for he knew his Uncle was beyond angry if he was not shouting. 

Théoden ran his hands over Eomer, ensuring himself the boy was unharmed. Without thought to his audience, he pulled the lad over his knee and landed several blistering swats before standing him back up. He motioned for Eomer to return to his place before his desk.

“Was I not clear this morning when I told you to stay within the city walls?”

“No Sir. You were clear.”

“Then there is no further discussion required. You will go to your chambers. I will be up to attend to you shortly.

“Yes Sir.” Eomer replied quietly and quickly left.

Théoden turned his attention to the blond elf waiting patiently with two identical, raven haired elves. “I am sorry you needed to see that.”

“It is of no concern. I have witnessed many similar conversations between My Lord and his sons.” He replied while giving the twins a stern look. “A conversation I am sure we will be having as soon as we have privacy.”

Both twins gulped. “If you would…” Elladan began.

Elrohir continued the sentence seamlessly. “Let us explain.”

“We have a reasonable…”

“Explanation for our behavior.”

“Surely you would…”

“Not blame us…”

“After all that has occurred.”

Glorfindel moved to stand directly in front of them, straining to control his anger. “I do not care for explanations elflings. You have disobeyed your father and grandfather. You could have been killed. Naught else matters.”

Théoden, sensing the tension between the elves, quickly intervened. “Gamling, please show Lords Elladan and Elrohir to their chambers. I wish to speak to Lord Glorfindel alone.”

Once alone, both King and Lord sat in contemplative silence, relieved that their charges were safe.  “From the exchange I witnessed, it appears you have been put through a similar situation than I.” Théoden said, breaking the silence.

“Aye.” Glorfindel sat down and rubbed his forehead in weariness. “They were to be visiting their Grandparents in Lothlorien. Though they have reached their majority, they have not matured enough for their father to trust them on their own. He sent me to escort them back to Rivendell. When I arrived, I was informed that the twins were no longer in Lothlorien.”

“How is that so? I have heard how well protected the borders are and find it difficult to imagine anyone coming or going without the guards notice.”

“It is possible when two of the guards are your friends as well as Lord Celeborn’s and Lady Galadriel’s foster sons.” Glorfindel replied angrily, but allowed a small smile. “Though, by the time Lord Celeborn and their brother Haldir are through with them, I am sure they will greatly regret their actions.”

“Do you have an idea on why they left? I cannot see anyone wanting to ride these parts with the Orc activity recently.”

“Ah, but that is just the reason.” Glorfindel said. “Their mother was captured and tortured by Orcs. She could not live with trauma they inflicted and sailed west to the Undying Lands. Though they will see her again, they take their sadness and anger and direct it towards the vile beings that caused the discord in their young lives.”

Théoden sat back in his chair. “Eomer has a similar problem. His father was killed and his mother, my sister, succumbed to her grief. He has much anger and is too young to know how to deal with it. I have been doing my best to help him, but it is a hard road.”

“Aye, it is. Only time will heal the wounds our young ones have be dealt.”

Theoden nodded. “Unfortunately, I now must go deal with my  nephew’s disobedience.”

“Just as I have two elflings that will answer for their transgressions.”

“Then I will see you at the evening meal. I will send one of my servants to fetch you when it is time.”
